Circular economy benefits everyone

The circular economy contrasts with the traditional model where products are manufactured, used, and then discarded. Instead, it’s about keeping resources in circulation for as long as possible. This means designing products that can be repaired, upgraded, or recycled, thereby maximizing the value of each resource and benefiting both consumers and businesses. Here are five tips for living more circularly:

Shop mindfully

Choose products that are sustainably made, repairable, and recyclable. Avoid single-use items and consider buying second-hand or recycled goods

Donate instead of discarding

There are many social media groups where you can give away or receive second-hand items like furniture and clothing. If you have items you no longer use, they might be useful to someone else. Charities and second-hand stores are also happy to accept items in good condition.

Reuse and repurpose 

Give new life to what you already have. Old clothes can become accessories, jars can be used for storage, and much more.

Support circular businesses

Shop from companies that have a circular business model and offer services like recycling, repair, or reuse of products.

Participate in the sharing economy 

Borrow, rent, or share items instead of owning everything yourself. This could be tools, cars, or other resources. If you own your home, car, or boat, there are platforms that help you rent them out when you’re not using them, contributing to the circular loop.

SaveLend and the circular economy 

While the circular economy isn’t the core of our business idea at SaveLend, we recognize the importance of promoting interaction between people and resources. Through our savings platform, we connect supply and demand by financing loans to both individuals and businesses with your investments.

We hope you find inspiration in these tips and continue to enjoy September. Don’t hesitate to contact our support if you have any questions – we’re here to help.