Monthly email april 2023

Welcome to the April monthly email and a special welcome to all of our new migrated investors from Svensk Kreditförmedling!

First, as usual, we present the average return on lent capital after credit losses and fees, from April 2022 to March 2023:

7,92 %

The return figures are regularly updated in our monthly emails. We see that a large share of investors choose SBL Consumer Credits with sales agreements of 100%, which is gratifying. SBL Consumer Credits 100% means, in short, that you can protect yourself against credit losses by having overdue credits sold back at 100% of their nominal value. The lower risk also means a slightly lower interest rate, which affects the average return on the platform.



In this email, you can read the following:

  • Deposit bonus and tax returns
  • Increasing the interest rate on our consumer credits
  • SaveLend acquires Lunar Bank A/S P2P business
  • Savings strategies
  • Migration of Svensk Kreditförmedling
  • New features and improvements



Deposit bonus and tax returns


On April 5-7, many Swedes receive an extra addition to their account in the form of a tax return. This year, the average return is SEK 8,000 and there is plenty of tips and advice about what to do with the money. For those who have the opportunity to invest the money and want to make it grow instead of spending it, we have a great offer - 2% bonus for all net deposits in SEK and EUR during April! Read more here.

Increasin the interest rate on our Consumer Credits


Now we have raised the interest rate for you who invest in SBL Finans Consumer Credits 80% and 100%. The new interest rate was introduced on April 3 and means that Consumer Credits 80% was raised by 1%, from 14% to 15%. And that Consumer Credits 100% was raised by 0.5%, from 8% to 8.5%. Our interest rates are usually aligned with the Riksbank policy rate, but as we judge that it will continue to rise, we have chosen to adjust already now to better balance prevailing inflation.


SaveLend aquires Lunar Bank A/S P2P business


We are very pleased to announce that we have entered into a conditional acquisition of all client relationships with investors and borrowers within the Lunar Bank A/S (“Lunar”) P2P business. This means that upon entry we will take over the P2P operations in their entirety from Lunar and welcome roughly 17,000 active investors to the savings platform, of which roughly 10% invest with us. Those of you who have both Lunar and SaveLend accounts will have deposit from Lunar migrated to SaveLend account so you can have one login.

The acquisition also brings around 7,000 active borrowers and the invested capital on the savings platform increases by around SEK 450 million. For those who invest with us today, the acquisition will have no direct impact. More capital on the platform, however, improves the possibilities for us to become even broader in our offer and adapt our products more to specific wishes regarding return, risk and savings horizon. More capital improves the possibilities of keeping the balance between free capital and good investment opportunities, which helps us to maintain the investment rate. The acquisition will thus contribute to an even better savings product for you!

More about the acquisition you can find here.


In the near future we will launch savings strategies


On the topic of improving the savings product, we will soon be launching savings strategies on the platform. With them you can choose a preset strategy that suits your wishes in terms of risk, return, savings horizon and cash flow. The aim is to make it easier for you to get more tailored savings without having to make your own settings. It also gives you the opportunity to further diversify your savings with different strategies for various purposes.

This is an addition to the existing product and nothing that replaces the previous one, unless you yourself want it. We will return with more information closer to launch. 

Migration of Svensk Kreditförmedling


  • At the beginning of 2022, we acquired Svensk Kreditförmedling (SKF), our partner for brokering real estate investments. We are happy to tell you that during March we migrated all of our SKF investors' accounts to SaveLend's savings platform. We have thus made it possible for you to invest in all our credit types, in several currencies and on several markets. Welcome here and happy that we are now on the same platform!

New features and improvements


  • We have previously informed about Flex, our new collection originator that offers even better diversification and the opportunity to increase the lending rate. In March, we expanded the credit types in Flex from two (business credits and real estate investments) to three, namely Flex Consumer Credit. In addition we have made minor improvements and updates.

    Have you found a bug, or are you missing a feature that you think many people would use? Get in touch with us at!


Previous monthly email


Did you miss March email? There you could read the following:

  • Erik Penser Bank interviews our CEO Ludwig
  • Top rating in 4thWays PLUS rating
  • Intermediation of our new credit type SBL Finans
  • Consumer credits 100%
  • New features and improvements

Read last month's email on our blog:



If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us through our website, call us at +46 8 124 460 67 or send an email to

We wish you a nice weekend and Happy Easter!

  Team SaveLend