Monthly email May 2023

Written by SaveLend | May 8, 2023 8:42:00 AM

We leave a cold April behind and hope that spring is finally here! At the SaveLend office, we have been focusing a lot on the acquisition of Lunar's P2P business and the new savings strategies that we launched last week. More on that is later in the email.

First, as usual, we present the average return on lent capital after credit losses and fees, from May 2022 to April 2023:

8,13 %

Due to the newly launched savings strategies, we will not present an average return for the platform as a whole in the future as different strategies give different returns based on risk. We will therefore look at returns per strategy instead, except the Freedom strategy where an average return is irrelevant because of the freedom of choice.



In this email, you can read the following:

  • The launch of the savings strategies
  • Bonus from the April deposit campaign
  • SaveLend in Penserpodden
  • New features and improvements



We launched savings strategies!

At the beginning of May, we launched long awaited savings strategies and we are pleased that so many have chosen to start new strategies since then. We are very grateful that you help us develop the product and become better. Without you there is no us!

Read about strategies

Bonus from the April deposit campaign


During April we had a deposit campaign with a 2% bonus on all net deposits in SEK up to 10 million and in EUR up to 1 million. As promised, the bonus will be paid out during the next week.

SaveLend in Penserpodden


At the end of April SaveLend was discussed in Penserpodden. Around 56 minutes after, analyst Hugo Lisjö shares news and updates about the acquisition of Lunar's P2P business (in Swedish).

Listen here!


New features and improvements


Last month the tech team mainly focused on the savings strategies which resulted in a new onboarding process and minor changes to the platform interface. In addition to this, we fixed bugs and implemented improvements to the platform performance.

Have you found a bug, or are you missing a feature that you think many people would use? Get in touch with us at!



Previous monthly email


  • Did you miss April email? There you could read the following:

    • Deposit bonus and tax refund
    • Raising interest rate on our consumer loans
    • Lunar Bank A/S P2P business acquisition
    • Savings strategies
    • Migration of Svensk Kreditförmedling
    • New features and improvements

Read last month's email on our  blog.




If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us through our website, call us at +46 8 124 460 67 or send an email to


Team SaveLend