Monthly email January 2023

We want to start by thanking you for the past year and wishing you a happy new year! We look back on a troubled year where saving in credits proved its stability and continued to deliver average positive returns every month while other asset classes showed negative numbers. At SaveLend, we have reached important milestones and launched many exciting projects during the year. Under the heading The past year, you can read more about what we worked on.

Here is the average return on lent capital after credit losses and fees, from January 2022 to December 2022:

8,12 %

The return figures are continuously updated in our monthly emails.



In this email, you can read the following:

  • The past year
  • Breakit summarizes the year and highlights our share YIELD
  • Feedback customer survey 2022
  • New features and improvements



The past year

We have had a productive 2022! In addition to delivering positive returns every month during the year, we have acquired Svensk Kreditförmedling, migrated many customers from Fixura, and taken a first step towards launching risk levels through our new credit types, Consumer Credits 80% and Consumer Credits 100%. We have made several efforts to increase transparency and become even more user-driven in our development. At the beginning of the year, we entered into an agreement with Erik Penser Bank, which thus became the second player to carry out commissioned research for SaveLend Group. We have used our communities on Discord and Facebook to get your opinions and developed the logged-in mode with a form function to find out more about what you think and how you experience the platform and its development. We also want to take the opportunity to thank you all so much for contributing and sending us so many great ideas!

2022 has been something of a record year for us. In addition to breaking records in net sales and invoice transactions per quarter, we also brokered our largest loan to date and reached a major milestone when we passed one billion SEK on the savings platform! The fact that this is happening at a time when many other players in the market are communicating net withdrawals and reduced activity makes us even more convinced that we need to reach out wider with our message so that more people understand the importance of diversifying their savings.

As we look ahead to 2023, we see an exciting year where our main focus will be on product development and user-friendliness to make our savings platform more accessible and offer more opportunities for you as a saver!


Breakit summarizes the year and highlights our share YIELD

The news site Breakit, which writes about entrepreneurs changing the business world and monitors stock market newcomers, has once again summarized how the stocks they follow have performed during the year. As the newcomers were conspicuous by their absence during the shaky past year, they chose to include all stocks in Stockholm this time. We are pleased to read that our stock YIELD is at the top of their list! We are proud to continue to have a large overlap between shareholders and savers on the platform and want to thank you for joining us on the journey. If you have a Breakit subscription, you can read the entire article here

Are you curious about our share YIELD? You can read more about it at ,  Avanza or Nordnet.



Feedback customer survey 2022

As previously mentioned in this email, we have an exciting year ahead of us with new products and features to come. These are developed based on the results from the customer survey carried out at the end of the year. The new consumer credits with two different risk levels, which were launched last month, are an excellent example of this. The survey revealed that many savers want a more stable product with a lower risk of credit losses at a lower return. It also showed that plenty of savers wish to take a greater risk for the opportunity to reach a higher return, and it is based on this we have arrived at the decision to develop different risk levels.
We have also received a lot of feedback regarding the user-friendliness and clarity of the platform. Based on that, we will do a major overhaul to simplify and clarify the product to appeal to more savers. Those of you who are experienced investors and used to making your own settings to get precisely the portfolio composition you want will, of course, still have the opportunity to do so.
Once again, thank you very much for your commitment and for helping us get better!


New features and improvements

    • In addition to creating options for different risk levels through our new credit types Consumer credits 80% and Consumer credits 100%, which you can read more about here, we have:

  • In addition to creating options for different risk levels through our new credit types Consumer credits 80% and Consumer credits 100%, which you can read more about
  • Changed the deposit overview so that if you only have EUR deposits, the default currency on the deposit overview will now be EUR.

Have you found a bug, or are you missing a feature that you think many people would use? Get in touch with us at!



Previous month's email

  • Did you miss last month's email? There you could read about the following topics:

    • Our CEO and CFO interviewed by Erik Penser Bank about the third quarter
    • The investment rate and return on the platform
    • The EUR bonus is paid out
    • New features and improvements


Read last mont's email on our blog.




If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us through our website, call us at +46 8 124 460 67 or send an email to

Team SaveLend