SaveLend's news September

Written by SaveLend | Oct 31, 2023 10:53:53 AM

It's time for our new monthly update! September was a tough month for the world markets, both the stock and the commodity market went down. But here at SaveLend, we delivered another positive month in terms of average returns and our Balanced and Yield savings strategies are moving forward at full speed. More about that further down, where you can read the following:

  • Return per strategy
  • Peer2Peer Finance Awards 2023
  • Forward Flow for EUR consumer loans

Return per strategy

We present below graphs of the total average return for Balanced and Yield during June, July, August and September. We will show returns month by month until we reach a year since we've launched our strategies. Then, as before, we will communicate the average return per last 12 months.

As the savings strategies are still new, the graphs include only one third of a year and we can state that both strategies deliver within the communicated target return of 4–7% for Balanced and 6–10% for Yield.


The Balanced savings strategy has delivered an average return of 2.42% in the first four months, and the Yield delivered 3.07% accordingly.

Peer2Peer Finance Awards 2023

The Peer2Peer Finance Awards is an event that highlights and celebrates the success within the P2P industry. This year it takes place on the 12th of December in London and we are very excited to be among the contestants for the prestigious P2P Lending Platform of the Year award. We look forward to the results! Read more

Forward Flow for EUR consumer loans

Consumer credits in euros issued by Fixura Ab Oy are covered by a Forward flow agreement from October 1st. This means that eligible overdue credits are sold off at 65% of their nominal value. You as an investor therefore do not have to wait for a long debt collection process, but instead get back parts of your original investment which can then be reinvested in new credits.