SaveLend's news May 2024

Another month has passed and spring is almost here! We have rolled out our launch campaign for SaveLend Fixed – Fixed Interest Account and it is gratifying to see that so many of you find the product exciting and get in touch with questions.

During April, the Annual General Meeting was held as usual at SaveLend Group and this year the board was enriched with a new member, Rune Pettersson. Rune is a lawyer with many years of experience in patent law. He is also the father of our former CEO and founder Ludwig Pettersson. We are very happy to have Rune join us on this journey!

Another good news is that the board has appointed Peter Balod as permanent CEO of SaveLend Group after an excellent performance as acting CEO since the beginning of February. Peter has over 12 years of experience in banking and finance where he held roles as CMO at Svea Ekonomi, Country Manager at Mash and CEO at Bigbank AS Swedish branch. In addition to solid work experience, Peter has a bachelor's degree in business administration and a master's in marketing from Stockholm University. In his spare time, he prefers spending moments with his family or beating his friends in floorball.

3 Rapid Fire Questions with Peter!

What is the best thing about your job?
– There is a lot which makes it difficult to choose one thing, so I choose two. First of all, it is probably the feeling that nothing is impossible. The company has made an impressive journey so far, but I still think we've only seen the beginning. The second is all the incredibly competent and driven colleagues that I have the honor of working with every day.

What are you most looking forward to in 2024?
– Profitability for the group and, through an even clearer customer orientation, to create stable and high returns for all our investors, which in turn leads to an increased influx of new savers and capital on the platform.

What can we expect you to contribute at SaveLend Group?
– I hope to be able to contribute by creating a stability and a focus that I believe is important to reach the group's long-term goals. In addition, I hope to be able to challenge and support my colleagues both operationally and strategically through my experiences from previous assignments.

Return per strategy

Here, as usual, we present the total average returns for Balanced and Yield from June 2023 to April 2024. The Balanced savings strategy has delivered an average return of 6.54% for the first eleven months, while Yield has delivered 7.45% accordingly.

Meet us for a coffee!

During April, we set out with our Coffee Van in central Stockholm to talk about savings over a cup of free coffee. It is a very nice way for us to share your thoughts and concerns about saving, while it is also a good opportunity for you to meet us. Follow us on Instagram to stay updated on when and where we'll be appearing next!

Website improvements

We plan to update our website in the near future and we would therefore like to hear your opinion on the content improvements. Is there any information you are missing? Something you think could be clarified or simplified?