SaveLend's news March 2024

Written by SaveLend | Apr 5, 2024 6:54:43 AM

We are leaving behind an emotionally overwhelming month with the loss of SaveLend's founder and former CEO, Ludwig Pettersson, who left us far too soon after a long-lasting illness. Inspired by his fantastic commitment and drive in the company, we will honor his memory by continuing on the same track!

Return per strategy

Here we present as usual the total average return for Balanced and Yield for June 2023–February 2024. The Balanced savings strategy has delivered an average return of 5,31% for the first nine months and Yield has delivered 6,14% accordingly.

Year-end report

On February 21, our Year-end report for 2023 was released. Our acting CEO Peter Balod and Deputy CEO Jonas Ahlberg were interviewed by Penser Access by Carnegie regarding the summary of the changes in 2023 and the outlook for 2024.  Watch here!

Project Finance moves forward

Our product Project Finance has been received beyond all expectations. Since the launch in November 2023, we have presented projects for SEK 29.8 million, all with a term of 12 months and an interest rate of 13–15%. These investment opportunities are frequently filled in a matter of hours or even minutes. If you want to be the first to know about our offers, sign up for our notifications about new projects below.  Subscribe here!

QR code for quick login!

Now you can log in to our savings platform with a QR code for BankID (only individuals with a Swedish personal identity number can acquire BankID). Open the BankID app on your mobile or tablet, scan the QR code and make a verification via BankID as usual. Simple, fast and safe!