SaveLend's news January 2024

We hope that your start of the new year has been fantastic! As we usher in 2024, it is important to consider our aspirations. Even while traditional resolutions like exercising and wellness remain high on the list, strengthening financial health for a more solid future is becoming a more popular goal.

The focus for 2024 is savings, where people everywhere strive to be more responsible with money, reducing debt and creating a well-balanced budget for a safer daily life. Spending less and saving more is becoming increasingly common in today's consumer society. By setting realistic savings plans and financial goals, you can create a better strategy for both short-term and long-term success. And we at SaveLend strive to make this path for you as simple and efficient as possible!

Throughout the year, we expect to launch a number of products, including further options to engage in Project Finance, an upcoming fixed interest account and accelerate development of the SaveLend app. We will also be commemorating our 10th anniversary this year! So, please follow our social media updates and your inbox to stay informed.

In 2024, SaveLend will keep expanding and thriving, and we are excited to do so with you!

Return per strategy

Our savings strategies continue to deliver returns in line with the target. Here we present the total average return for Balanced and Yield during June–December 2023. The Balanced savings strategy has delivered an average return of 4.07% for the first seven months and Yield has delivered 4.71% accordingly.

The bonus has been paid!

In November, we had two deposit bonus campaigns. The bonus of 2% is now paid out and you can see it in the logged-in mode under the tab "Depot overview" → "Return details" → "Other income", or under the tab "Holdings" → "Transactions". Thanks to everyone who took part!

Increase interest rate on SBL Finans Consumer loans

Another happy news! As the Central bank of Sweden (Sveriges Riksbank) adjusted the reference rate on January 1, 2024, we have, as of this date, increased the interest rate by 0.50 for those who invest in SBL Finans Consumer loans 80% to 17.39% and SBL Finans Consumer loans 100% to 9.39%.