Monthly email March 2023

Written by SaveLend | Mar 3, 2023 8:42:00 AM

We welcome the first spring month of the year together with the latest news. There is a lot going on and the other week our year-end report for 2022 was released. The numbers speak for themselves, a real record year for us! Furthermore, continuing to deliver positive returns despite a troubled market points to a stable product. Listen to the interview with Erik Penser Bank (in Swedish) below to take part in the highlights from the report.

Here is the average return on lent capital after credit losses and fees for the period of March 2022 to February 2023:

8,04 %

The return figures are regularly updated in our monthly emails.



In this email, you can read the following:

  • Erik Penser Bank interviews our CEO Ludwig
  • Top rating in 4thWays PLUS rating
  • Intermediation of our new credit type SBL Finans Consumer credits 100%
  • New features and improvements



Erik Penser Bank interviews our CEO Ludwig


Our CEO Ludwig Pettersson visited Erik Penser Bank for a summary of the year-end report for 2022. It was a conversation about growth, what drove the sharp increase in earnings during the quarter, and SaveLend's view on costs going forward. You can watch the full interview here (in Swedish)!

Top rating in 4thWays PLUS rating


4thWay, a valuation institute specializing in credit-oriented savings platforms, has reviewed SaveLend's intermediated credits and validated our present figures. The grade was the highest possible, which we are the first to achieve in Scandinavia. We are really proud of this seal of quality that goes:

 “SaveLend has earned the 3/3 “Exceptional” 4thWay PLUS Rating, meaning investors can strongly expect to make positive returns, even during a simultaneous severe recession and property crash.”


Intermediation of our new credit type SBL Finans Consumer credits 100% (in SEK)


At the beginning of the year, we announced that we would break up our internally originated consumer credits into two new credit types, SBL Finans Consumer credits 80% and SBL Finans Consumer credits 100%. The difference between these is that SBL Finans Consumer credits 80% has a higher interest rate and a sales agreement of 80% of the credit's value, while SBL Finans Consumer credits 100% has a slightly lower interest rate and a sales agreement of 100% of the credit's value. Intermediation of the credit type SBL Finans Consumer credits 80% began at the turn of the year. SBL Finans Consumer credits 100% have been visible in SmartInvest since then, and now we can happily announce that these credits are being intermediated on the savings platform. The new credit type has been well received by a large part of our investors who want a predictable return with fewer credit losses. 


New features and improvements


In addition to creating options for different risk levels through our new credit types, SBL Finans Consumer credits 80% and SBL Finans Consumer credits 100%, which you can read more about here, we have:


  • Improved the layout of each header section ("My Returns" etc.) in mobile view.
  • Changed the deposit overview so that savers who only have EUR deposits get EUR as the default currency on the deposit overview.
  • Improved the portfolio status. Now we show delayed credits divided into different buckets.
  • Launched SaveLend Flex – a collection originator that gives you the opportunity to reach a higher investment rate.


Have you found a bug, or are you missing a feature that you think many people would use? Get in touch with us at! 

Previous monthly email


  • Did you miss last monthly email? There you could read about the following topics:

    • Annual report and tax return assistance
    • The knowledge test for crowdfunding
    • Are you aware of our bonus system?
    • New features and improvements


Read last month's email on our blog: blogg.




If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us through our us at +46 8 124 460 67 or send an email to



Team SaveLend