Monthly email June 2023

Written by SaveLend | May 31, 2023 8:17:00 AM

New month means new monthly newsletter, and we want to reflect on a pleasant and lovely May.


In this email, you can read the following:

  • Highlights from our latest quarterly report
  • Payments on deposit bonus
  • New features and improvements

Usually we start by presenting an average return on the platform but due to the newly launched savings strategies we no longer do that as different strategies give different returns based on risk. We will therefore look at returns per strategy instead, with the exception of the Freedom strategy, where the freedom of choice means that an average return is irrelevant. As the savings strategies have not yet been active for enough time, there are currently no return statistics to share. The first time we do this will be after the summer. Your own return is of course updated as usual.


Hightlights from our latest quartely report


On May 16, we released our report for the first quarter of the year. We grew 50% compared to the same period last year and delivered an EBITDA of SEK 4.5 million. Our shift towards profitable growth has really started to pay off. Both the average net yield and credit losses remained at a stable level during the quarter, despite a volatile environment and a stressful financial situation for many.

The investment rate at the end of the quarter was 95% and, just as intended, the originator Flex, which was launched during the quarter, helps maintain the balance in terms of capital availability and good investment opportunities on the savings platform. 

Payment of the deposit bonus


The bonus from our 2% bonus campaign has been paid out! You can see your bonus on the platform under the tab Deposit overview -> Return details -> Other income, or under the tab Holdings -> Transactions. Many thanks to everyone who participated in the campaign!


New features and improvements


For the past month, the tech team's focus has been on preparing for the migration of Lunar's P2P customers to SaveLend's savings platform. The migration is planned to take place during the summer. In addition to this, we fixed bugs and implemented improvements to the platform performance.

Have you found a bug, or are you missing a feature that you think many people would use? Get in touch with us at!


Previous monthly email


  • Did you miss April email? There you could read the following:

    • Launch of new savings strategies
    • Bonus from the deposit campaign in April
    • SaveLend in Penserpodden
    • New features and improvements

Read last month's email on our  blog.




If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us through our website, call us at +46 8 124 460 67 or send an email to


Team SaveLend