Monthly email September 2022

Written by SaveLend | Sep 2, 2022 8:08:00 AM

We hope you had a nice summer and are as excited about autumn as we are! 

We have been working during the summer with several large projects, including migrating investors from Fixura to SaveLend's platform and upgrading our billing platform. As autumn approaches, we have everything in place to receive both EUR investors on the savings platform and new large customers on the billing platform.

Here is the average return on invested capital after credit losses and fees from September 2021 to August 2022:

9,04 %

The return is continuously updated in our monthly emails.



In this email, you can read the following:


  • Highlights from the latest quarterly report
  • Interview with our CFO and CPO at Erik Penser Bank's company day
  • New features and improvements



Highlights from our latest interim report

On August 22, we released our interim report for the second quarter. If we summarize the quarter, the most important events are new records in both ‘capital on the platform’ and 

‘billing transactions’, signing the agreement with fixed income specialist nordIX AG and profitable growth for the billing platform. We have also set a new record in net sales, and the quarter's growth landed at 65.6%, compared to the same period last year.


The investment rate has been high during the quarter. On average, 97% of all capital has been invested. This is a result of a substantial increase in brokered volume during the quarter when a total of SEK 356 million has been put to work to generate returns.


We are happy to see so many of you increase your savings during this period!


You can read the report or listen to our Q&A about the quarter here!



CFO Jonas and CPO Olle participated in Erik Penser Bank's company day


On August 24, Erik Penser Bank organized a company day where SaveLend Group was invited to participate. We sent our CFO Jonas Ahlberg and our CPO Olle Asplund to the interview to talk about where we stand today and where we are going. You can view the full interview here!


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New features and improvements

    • We are continuing the work of making ourselves available to savers from other countries and have also made some improvements for new and existing investors. Here is a summary of these:
      • Preparatory work to enable German investors on SaveLend.
      • Improvements to Finnish translations.
      • Performance improvements.
      • Various UI/UX improvements in the SaveLend interface.



Team på SaveLend