Monthly email November 2022

Written by SaveLend | Nov 4, 2022 9:23:00 AM

November is here and we are in the middle of the last quarter of the year. There is a lot going on, including the release of the report for the third quarter on November 16. The same date as the SaveLend brand will be launched in Finland at the investor fair in Helsinki. Read more about this below.

But first, here's the average yield on lent capital after credit losses and fees from November 2021 to October 2022:

7,98 %

 The return figures are continuously updated in our monthly emails.



In this email, you can read the following:


  • Launch of the SaveLend brand in Finland
  • We are one of Sweden's 90 hottest scaleups in 2022
  • Commercial "Rocky"
  • The average return
  • New features and improvements




Launch of the SaveLend brand in Finland

After the migration of Finnish investors from Fixura to SaveLend's savings platform and with three different credit types in EUR (consumer credits, B2B loans, and factoring) available to invest in, we are ready for a wider launch of SaveLend as a brand in Finland. We are off to a flying start by exhibiting at the Investor Fair (Sijjoittamessut) on November 16 in Helsinki, where our CEO Ludwig and CRO Miika will present the company during the day. We hope to welcome both new and existing investors to our stand 5b30!


One of Sweden's 90 hottest scaleups in 2022


Swedish news site Breakit, which monitors digitization and writes about the entrepreneurs who are changing the business world, named SaveLend as one of Sweden's 90 hottest scaleups in 2022! Our lending company Treyd was also on the list. This is yet another proof of what a fantastic journey we are on together! See the complete list here (in Swedish).



This weekend we recorded our commercial "Rocky" (with a large dose of humor). The purpose of the commercial is to celebrate that we have reached one billion SEK on the savings platform and to highlight that we did it together. It was, therefore, a matter of course to invite everyone who is and has been involved in getting us to where we are today. We had a really fun morning with lots of laughter and fellowship. Now we eagerly await the final result! Many thanks to everyone who participated!




New features and improvements

    • The average return for the savings platform over the past 12 months landed at 7.98%. We constantly adapt our scoring and our flows to external factors and have now taken a slightly more cautious position due to the macroeconomic situation. We often point out that risk and return go hand in hand, and when we turn towards more cautious lending, it also affects the return. At the same time, the interest rate situation enables us to adjust our agreements, which we have also done for several credit types. As a result, the average interest rate may fluctuate somewhat in the coming months. The important thing is to look at this from a longer perspective and not just look at the statistics from a single month.


New features and improvements

    • Here are some of the improvements and updates that have been made over the past month to the savings platform, which you may be interested in knowing:

  • As an investor in SBL Finans consumer credits, you can now see the payment plans for these credits under "Credit details".
  • All investment fact sheets are now also available in English.

Har Have you found a bug, or are you missing a feature that you think many people would use? Get in touch with us at!



Previous month's email

  • Did you miss last month's email? There you could read about the following topics:

    • Highlights from the latest interim report
    • Interview with our CFO and CPO at Erik Penser Bank's company day
    • New features and improvements


Read last month's email on our  blog.




If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us through our website, call us at +46 8 124 460 67 or send an email to



Team SaveLend